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Bison Tales May 12, 2023

Good afternoon Bison families,

Today our Grade 1's hosted a Mother's Day Tea event.  It was so great to see how proud our grade 1 students were to spend time with their moms!  We wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day this Sunday.

Let's Go Oilers!

Thank you everyone and have a great weekend, 


Lana Lastiwka and Tandy Atchison 

Principal and Assistant Principal



May 15 - 18, 2023

  • Grade 6 French Language Arts PAT (French Immersion Only)
  • School Council Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
  • AEPSA Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
  • Yearbook Orders Close
  • Grade 6 English Language Arts PAT
  • Grade 4 Mayor's Walk Field Trip
  • Class 5A and 6A Field Trip to Rundle Park
  • Anything But a Backpack Day
  • School Closure Day - no school


Upcoming Dates

May 22 - Victoria Day - no school

May 25 - Kindergarten C Field Trip to the Zoo

May 26 - Kindergarten A and B Field Trip to the Zoo

May 26 - Grade 6 to AJS for lunch

May 26 - 5B and 5C Elk Island National Park Field Trip

May 29 - Grade 2 Fort Edmonton Field Trip


Ardrossan Elementary Staff Appreciation Day - June 2nd 

Help us thank the staff of Ardrossan Elementary for their time and effort with our children.  We want to show them how much we appreciate all the extras they have undertaken this school year.

The appreciation day will be June 2nd.  We will need to collect by May 28th to have everything sorted.

Anyone who has a donation to provide for the gift bags click here to Participate in our Staff Appreciation Event. Or you can give a monetary donation to help with the pizza lunch which will be supplied by Nitzas you can donate to A box will be left at the school in the office to collect items or gift cards.  You can also contact Vania Lloyd for drop off after school hours.

Thank you, 



Music Program - Can You Help?

Grade 6 is busy preparing a STOMP inspired performance for their farewell assembly.   We are looking for either donations or to borrow some items so that all 95+ students can play together. If you can help us, please bring them to the school ASAP, or reply to this email and I can arrange to pick up from you.  If you want them returned, please make sure they are labelled.

- 6 rain barrels or industrial sized rubber/plastic garbage pails

- 12 rubber mallets

- 15 Lids from 5 gallon pails

- 12 metal items like brake drums, or old pots (new ones may get dented from the drumsticks)

Thanks for supporting our music program!

Mrs. Pretzlaff


Take a Look at What Our Grade 3's Are Up To!

Grade 3 Incubator Program


Bison Bravo a Staff Member

Did you know that the Ardrossan Elementary Parent Support Association has started a staff bravo initiative?  As you might know, Ardrossan staff regularly give out Bison Bravos to students to acknowledge acts of citizenship, kindness or excellence.  

AEPSA is offering the chance for students and families to Bravo a staff member!  All you have to do is click on the the Bravo a Staff Member box on the right side of the school webpage to fill out an electronic Bravo form.  Then our amazing AEPSA parents write you message on a note which is delivered to that staff member along with a sweet treat!  


Parents Make the Difference:

Teach your child these healthy stress-management techniques

In one recent national survey conducted by Boys and Girls Clubs of America, 70% of youth rated their ability to cope with challenges as medium to very low. And 71% said that when something important goes wrong in their life, they can’t stop worrying about it.

As student stress and anxiety continue to rise, it’s important to share coping strategies with your child. Offer ideas such as:

  • Deep breathing. When anxiety strikes, have your child breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth several times.
  • Physical activity. Ride bikes, shoot baskets and visit the playground as a family. Encourage your child to take up a sport or another active hobby. Suggest your child play outside with friends. They might play catch, kick a ball around or enjoy a game of hopscotch or tag.
  • Spend time outdoors appreciating the sights, sounds and scents of nature. Go for hikes, explore parks or camp out in the backyard.
  • Creative pursuits. Drawing, writing, painting, singing or playing a musical instrument can all reduce stress.


Reprinted with permission from the May 2023 issue of Parents make the difference!®  (Elementary School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2023 The Parent Institute®, a division of PaperClip Media, Inc. Source: The State of Youth Mental Health, Boys and Girls Clubs of America.


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53131 Range Road 222
Ardrossan , AB T8E 2M8

Phone: 780-922-2066