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Bison Tales, Dec. 20, 2024

Good afternoon bison families,

Here it is, your last Bison Tales of 2024!

Bison Tales, Dec 20, 2024

A few shout outs to parents as well today. First off, thanks to everyone for doing your best to help tighten up the drop off lanes before and after school, it's been fairly smooth these last few weeks. You will see Mrs. Kokotailo and I out there trying to hustle people through (kindly) and trying to get people to move ahead as soon as space opens up. Also, a thanks to everyone for helping us be more mindful about security and ensuring that no matter how big or little the stop in, that you sign in using our iPad (after you have signed in once, the process it pretty quick as it remembers you as a guest). 

Here's wishing everyone out there a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!  I really hope everyone gets to slow down a bit, and spend some time with those that you love.  All the best, and a Happy New Year!


Daniel Verhoeff, M. Ed


Ardrossan Elementary School


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